Will the real F please stand up

Recorder Forum Home Page Forum Teaching and Learning Will the real F please stand up

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    Wow. I was playing along, happily thinking I was hitting the right notes, even managed to play Amazing Grace by ear, then I was told that the F I was playing isn’t an F at all. I was playing 01234 when I should have been playing 0123467. That makes the song a whole lot more tricky. And I feel silly now, especially as I have a finger chart sat next to me…
    Oh dear…
    But what note IS 01234? It’s like a microtone between E and F.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Aulos303.

    You don't stop playing when you get old. You get old when you stop playing.

    Dick Mattson

    Hi Larry–
    To try to simplify things (even though this may seem extremely complicated), there are at least four types of recorder in modern-day use. I suspect that you have the type that may be called Baroque which has F fingered T123467. Another similar-looking type with simplified fingering is called German which has F fingered T1234. Then there is a type (which looks different from yours) called Ganassi which has F fingered T12346. Finally there are Renaissance recorders (which also look different from yours) which may have a variety of fingerings for F.

    An excellent resource resource for recorder fingerings can be found at http://www.recorder-fingerings.com/en/index.php

    An excellent resource on all things recorder may be found at http://www.recorderhomepage.net

    To answer your question, on a Baroque fingering recorder, T1234 will produce a note that is a microtone between F and F#–in other words, an out of tune F that is on the high side.


    Thanks Dick. Mine is a plastic soprano, my username. A baroque instrument.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Aulos303.
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    You don't stop playing when you get old. You get old when you stop playing.

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