Recorder Lessons

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  • #347
    jonnathan pluftree

    Hello, I would like to know if the lessons in this website are in vídeo. If not, you guys know any anyone else who teach recorder from the beginning to the most advanced level in vídeo-format?


    This site is just a forum for recorder players. I think that the lessons you are referring to are the ones at I’m the creator, they are not in a video format. As far as I know, there are no other recorder teaching sites, video or otherwise.

    There is some material at the American Recorder Society site, likewise some at the Dolmetsch site. However, for the time being at least, I think that is the most comprehensive online recorder teaching program available.

    Mostly alto, plays with Balmain Baroque

    jonnathan pluftree

    Hi, thank you for answer. About the site Could you tell me if there is lessons on rhytm , for exemple, how to count eight notes, and how to put the flute together? I never played any wind instrument before, so to start from zero would be the best.


    The lessons start from absolute zero, and teach fundamental rhythm and music reading skills. The idea is to lead a complete novice step by step to a good intermediate level. Those with some prior recorder experience can start part way through the course.

    Mostly alto, plays with Balmain Baroque


    Sarah Jeffreys has an excellent recorder lessons channel on youtube

    You don't stop playing when you get old. You get old when you stop playing.

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