Is There An Administrator Here????

Recorder Forum Home Page Forum Consort Playing Is There An Administrator Here????

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  • #1236
    Dick Mattson

    For the past two weeks, this site has been inundated with spam posts about trucks, trailers, etc etc. This is clearly against the forum rules. Yet absolutely nothing has been removed. Why? Is the administrator gone? Soon those of us who still take part in their forum will likely be gone too.

    Ken In Dallas

    At the bottom edge of this page is a copywrite notice for ‘’ I sent an email to their ‘support’ in Austrailia asking for help. — k —

    Richard Hureau

    The support on this forum is DREADFUL, IMHO. I sent an email to that support address concerning the fact that the search function doesn’t work (ever, as far as I can tell). No answer, no fix. And yes, that spam stuff is the kind of thing that can KILL a forum if it isn’t monitored and removed conscientiously. It’s too bad, since it seems as though it’s either this or FaceBook, and I really dislike FB.

    Dick Mattson

    While FaceBook has its issues, at least the many recorder groups are quite active and are monitored quite closely. Since Ken in Dallas and Richard Hureau haven’t gotten any responses from support, perhaps this forum is now about the same as a rogue planet in outer space that’s hurtling to its cold and lifeless death. Perhaps I’m being a bit too picturesque, but …


    Hi all. Tony Eyers here, the creator of Many thanks for alerting me to the rubbish on the site, it has been removed. The recorder world has few places to meet and discuss our wonderful instrument, I’m glad that this is one of them. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if future problems arise.

    Ken In Dallas

    Got a nice email back from Tony Eyers as well as his evicting our trespassers. There’s a search feature somewhere on this site? — k —

    Richard Hureau

    Yes, his response in this thread was nice too. 🙂 As far as a search, um, go to the Forum home page (by clicking “Forum” on the top menu, right-most entry) and when that comes up, look below the “About” menu item. There’s a “Search” field. Of course, as I said, it doesn’t EVER find anything, even topics that you know are on the site. For example, search for Moeck or Ecodear or Bernolin. (Maybe they fixed it by now, hope, hope…)

    Walter Memmesheimer

    My Name is Walter. I am from Germany.
    I have select a 3 Months Membership on the German Website of Learn Recorder.
    I have paid via PayPal and now I am waiting in vain for my login details. Unfortunately, I haven’t received an answer to my emails so far. Can someone give me some advice or help?

    Thank you


    Hi Walter. Apologies for the delay getting started with Your account was setup when you took out your subscription. Perhaps the email with the login details ended up in your junk folder? It turns out that the emails you sent to me ended up in my junk folder..

    Anyhow, I have emailed your login details today. Hopefully now all is well.


    Hello Tony,
    We seem to have an ‘interloper’ here who is registered as ‘Stela Benteley’.

    On December 2, 2020 at 8:29 pm, Stela chose to post in the thread “A=415 Hz mandatory for Baroque?” a whole lot of word-salad regarding optics for birding. While I’m sure in some circles this may be interesting or valuable, I don’t see the relevance to anything regarding the recorder. Her post number is #1262.

    I’m not sure what happens next here, but in the other forums I belong to, she’d be given the bums rush.

    Just thought you may like to know.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Christopher. Reason: Personalize note

    Mainly French & English baroque repertoire on an A403 Bressan, and an A415 DeBey. Recorder enthusiast since 1971. Early Music program at York University, French baroque instruction at Royal Conservatory in Toronto.


    Hi Christopher. I’m visiting the forum every day now, and deleting the interlopers. Hopefully they’ll get the message and leave us alone.


    Hi Tony,
    One can only hope! Thanks very much.


    Mainly French & English baroque repertoire on an A403 Bressan, and an A415 DeBey. Recorder enthusiast since 1971. Early Music program at York University, French baroque instruction at Royal Conservatory in Toronto.


    I just saw one by someone called eli mark. Sadly this forum has no option to report spam posts

    You don't stop playing when you get old. You get old when you stop playing.


    Eli Mark and his post is gone. I’m checking the forum every day day, and booting trespassers.

    Richard Hureau

    Much appreciated! 🙂

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