F# sounding off

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  • #558
    Em Goldman

    Hello everyone,

    I’ve recently started playing the tenor recorder; I have a plastic Yamaha YRT304B. All was going fine until this morning – when I started playing, the upper F# is off – it’s sounding very similar to the E, just a tad sharper. I’ve wiped out any condensation, I’ve left it a while and gone back to it numerous times, I’m using the same fingering, the same breath – I cant figure out what the problems is. Does anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks! Em

    Dick Mattson

    What fingering are you using for the F# ?

    Dick Mattson

    So I did some experimenting with alternate fingerings and, while the actual fingering for the second octave F# is half-thumb, 1, 2, 3, 5 (not … 5, 6 as in the lower octave), the 5, 6 fingering that I suspect you have been using will indeed produce a slightly sharp E. Therefore, I suggest that you check your fingering chart where you will discover that several of the fingerings in the second octave are different from those in the lower octave. I hope that this is clear and that you find it helpful.


    Dick Mattson

    Hi Em–

    Did it work?


    Dick Mattson


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