Discovering the beauty of recorder music

Recorder Forum Home Page Forum Teaching and Learning Discovering the beauty of recorder music

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    Jesse Sievers

    Hey everyone

    A dear friend of mine, Hidgi Chuan, made me change my mind about the recorder. Looking back I have to admit that I used to be very narrow minded about this instrument. By meeting Hidgi, by listening to him playing the recorder and by learning from and improvising with him I changed my mind completely 🙂

    Today I deeply love this woodden instrument. I prefer the soprano recorder the most and my favourite way to play it is to improvise. I am finding new ways every day 🙂

    I am writing about my experiences with the recorder in a blog that I would like to share with you here:

    The forgotten world of the recorder

    Thank you and enjoy the music and the beauty of creating



    If anyone doubt the beauty of recorder music, then this Telemann concert video should settle the issue

    Ken In Dallas

    Wow. Thank you for posting the YouTube link. I don’t know what else to write… Wow!

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