A recorder with a flute embouchure?

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    Gerardo Pavone

    Maybe it is a silly question, but I’ll ask it any way!
    I like the recorder because it is keyless and it is fully chromatic. But I prefer the sound of a flute. So…why nobody makes a recorder with a flute beck ?


    Maybe it is a silly question, but I’ll ask it any way!
    I like the recorder because it is keyless and it is fully chromatic. But I prefer the sound of a flute. So…why nobody makes a recorder with a flute beck ?

    I’ll repeat the old adage that there’s no such thing as a silly question… there are plenty of silly answers though. And maybe this is one of them. I know zero about flutes. I know next to nothing about recorders but I presume the only way to get the air flow over a flute is by holding it the way flautists do. The flautist creates an embouchure for the flute which effectively creates a bit that will help produce a nice sound. On the recorder a lot of that is done for us – which is why initially it’s easier to play recorder. There are instruments which are arranged so that you play them like a recorder but with an open mouthpiece – and it’s a bit like blowing over the top of a bottle… There’s also the penny whistle. I think the latter will be too shrill for you if you like the sound of the flute.

    I’m what used to be called a lateral thinker so here I am going lateral – if you like the flute but not the keys and the weight it has then the answer might be the Irish flute – which can be keyless. There is a firm – Tony Dixon – which makes Irish flutes and whistles and apparently can make a flute-like head for the whistles. My husband plays the penny whistle and has a few flutes (keyless, and keyed) which is why I’m saying this.

    Feel free to ignore me. I play the recorder for fun. Nobody in their right mind would ask me to play for them! Sometimes people pay me to NOT play…

    PS Tony Dixon’s site may well answer your question – you’ll see there the kind of ‘flute’ that I think you may be asking about. I’m not sure whether they will give you the kind of tone you’re after though. My husband says be very very careful when buying flutes as there are some cheap ones on the market which are dreadful!

    Hopefully, someone who knows what they’re talking about will come along soon… 🙂

    Jeremy Hall

    Perhaps try a shakuhachi ? (end blown Japanese flute).

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 4 days ago by Jeremy Hall.
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