Reply To: Beginner saying hello

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Patricia Tapiav

Hi Luis! I tried to learn classical guitar also, after I couldn’t learn the recorder I guess? =)). I would like to go back one day to it. I love music! the recorder happens to be the one allowing me to express myself more freely. Something about it.

Aldo Bova was the one to make me want to learn or play the recorder actually. I still recall seeing one of his videos in which he speaks about Vivaldi in Ospedale della Pieta and then he plays the Largo of the Concerto RV 443. I was hooked. I subscribed to his channel and soon after that I bought my first real recorder, a wooden sopranino. (cause this whole “mess” started when I bought a cheap transparent soprano in a music store out of curiosity) Before that I didn’t know a thing about recorders other than “the-plastic-for-kids”…like the pink one I bought that day.
And as embarrassing as it may sound, I didn’t know there were concertos and sonatas written for it!!