Reply To: Why does my Yamaha 302 squeal easier than my 24b on the low notes?

Recorder Forum Home Page Forum Teaching and Learning Why does my Yamaha 302 squeal easier than my 24b on the low notes? Reply To: Why does my Yamaha 302 squeal easier than my 24b on the low notes?


Hi Kandi

There are several possible problems with these tricky low notes.

Fingers – make sure all your fingers really are fully covering the holes.

Breath and tonguing – both need to be gentle, so imagine making a daaah sound, rather than tooo. Sometimes you need to just breathe without tonguing at all.

Instrument – clean and dry (warm it up before playing, check inside for lost cleaning stick!). Make sure all the joints are fully pushed together.

Sarah Jeffrey on Youtube has a good video on how to hit the low notes.

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Jacqui.