Reply To: Beginner saying hello

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Louis Lima

Very nice to meet you Maggie! My name is Louis Lima and I started to learn the treble recorder in December 2013. I’ve been on my own as can’t afford a recorder teacher, and there aren’t any around here anyways. I have a YouTube channel called “Getting in Treble” which is a “diary” of sorts 🙂

I agree the hardest part for us self-learners is that we might be picking bad habits along the way. I try to listen to what I do and tend to be very self-critical, but also like to have fun…

Hey, I have that book and did 2-3 duets with my daughter last year. I tried dueting via Skype with someone in England, but it really didn’t work very well. Anyways, if you want to try my Skype handle is louislima and my e-mail address is
