Solutions to Saliva Problem Breaking Tempo

Recorder Forum Home Page Forum Teaching and Learning Solutions to Saliva Problem Breaking Tempo

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  • #2055
    Kurt Jensen

    Hello All,

    This is my first post. I am working on Orlando Gibbons Fantasia No. 2 for treble recorder. I am using a metronome and recording and playing against myself. At my present tempo, quarter note = 90, a fairly slow pace, even on a quarter note I don’t have time to swallow. Since I will be playing a duet against myself, my timing must be exact! If I am 1/2 beat off, all is lost! Since I can’t swallow, when I’m on to the second page, the saliva is just draining through the instrument. Any solutions?

    Aha! moment! Well, I could just insert two beat rest, equivalent for both lines, and use that?

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