Heating pad/Heating mat

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  • #2069

    Several times recently I’ve heard recorder players (all professionals, as it happens) say that they have warmed their instrument(s) on a “heating mat.” This raises several questions in my mind that many of you may know the answer to (or at least have opinions about): Is a heating MAT the same thing as a heating PAD, or is there something unique about a mat? Do you heat the instrument by rolling it inside the mat or simply by setting it on top of the mat? And do you heat the entire instrument or just the head joint?

    For what it’s worth, my thinking is that a mat is basically the same thing as a pad, though the mat might be larger; rolling the instrument inside might be more effective than setting it on top; and the head joint alone is probably sufficient. And, obviously, the heat must be low enough to not damage the instrument (though what that precise temperature might be, I couldn’t say—at least as warm as my breath but nowhere near as warm as the radiators that heat my house.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.

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