Reply To: Bernolin resin alto/soprano recorders vs. Aafab/Coolsma polyester recorders…?

Recorder Forum Home Page Forum Recorder Makes, Models and Maintenance Bernolin resin alto/soprano recorders vs. Aafab/Coolsma polyester recorders…? Reply To: Bernolin resin alto/soprano recorders vs. Aafab/Coolsma polyester recorders…?

Richard Hureau

The Eagle recorder (you can see one being played by Michala Petri in Sarah Jeffery’s interview video with her) would be my pick for a “modern” recorder. It is pretty expensive, but very high quality, from what I have read. It’s not amplified, but it adds notes to the regular recorder range, and is very loud, from what I have read. The Elody strikes me as simply an amplified mid-priced recorder with a high price.