Reply To: Bernolin resin alto/soprano recorders vs. Aafab/Coolsma polyester recorders…?

Recorder Forum Home Page Forum Recorder Makes, Models and Maintenance Bernolin resin alto/soprano recorders vs. Aafab/Coolsma polyester recorders…? Reply To: Bernolin resin alto/soprano recorders vs. Aafab/Coolsma polyester recorders…?

Richard Hureau

If you like mellow, I suppose you could give the Ecodear a try. It is definitely more mellow than anything else (the windway is MUCH thinner). I gave my review above, so you know what I think, but if you really want mellow, you might be able to get by with that and save some bucks over the Bernolin. The Bernolin is MUCH richer and fuller sounding (I mean a lot), but I don’t think anything is as mellow as the Ecodear. Sometimes I even think there’s something wrong with it! – as per your saying you like it when they start to get clogged – well THAT’S how the Ecodear sounds! Like it has a head-cold and needs some medication! 😉

As far as the tweaking that ASW does to plastic recorders, some folks kind of disparage that. I mean, the plastic instruments made by Aulos, Yamaha, and Zen-on generally don’t need tweaking. I think it’s best to leave them the hell alone!