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Hello Dick,
thank you so much for your answer.
Now it is more clear to me that I have a long way to go yet, before I can choose my instrument.
In the meanwhile I will go on studying an practicing as you suggest.
By the way, I came up to the recorder because, while unsuccesfully attempting to learn the violin, my teacher suggested me to play a flute to get solfeggio exercises a little bit less boring. Well, the sweet sound of the recorder as compared to the screeching notes I used to play on a violin made me love this instrument; that it is anything but as easy as many people think.
I’ve been suggested studying on the Hauwe and Monkemeyer manuals “The modern recorder player” and “Method for treble recorder”, both I find very useful.
Could you please give me any suggestion as regards studying methods? (By your answer it seems you are really expert and passionate with musics!)
Still many thanks,