Reply To: Moeck or Mollenhauer?

Mihaela Mack

I respect John Everingham’s opinion. He is very knowledgeable. He offers lots of really good detailed information on his website although I don’t always agree. I wouldn’t pick a Moeck soprano for folk music either. Luca, when you first posted here in July you had not specified that folk music was what you were interested in. I personally purchased the Moeck soprano but I use it for baroque music. It seems to blend in well in the ensemble where I’m playing. I only mentioned the Ganassi because you were asking about a “loud” recorder. The Ganassi is pretty loud. I have heard professional recorder players use it for the usual repertoire but also for modern classical music. It wouldn’t make sense to get it for ensemble playing unless everybody else was using it as well. As far as I know Kynseker is a true Renaissance style recorder. I wouldn’t pick it for your needs and it is true that the fingerings are different. I also think that the Mollenhauer Dream is probably your best choice for folk music. Mollenhauer Dream comes in plastic, pearwood or plumwood. It doesn’t come in any other hard wood. I have all three of them and I don’t like the plastic (although I’ve heard that lots of people who play folk music like it), the pearwood is much nicer than the plastic but the plumwood is the best of all. It has more resonance, more volume, both the low notes and the top notes are easier to get. So I think that your decision sounds like a very sensible one. Your teacher is right.
Regarding the used Mollenhauer Denner you mentioned you don’t like the intonation. It probably needs revoicing. So I would take it to a reputable shop where they can advise you on that.