Reply To: Choosing a Bass Recorder

Janice Lee

I sympathize with your decision-making dilemma! It would be so tricky to figure this out long distance. There aren’t any recorder shops within drivable distance from where I live, either, which would be my preference in trying out recorders.

I only tried a couple of basses, and I can’t recall what the other one was. My main concern was a small enough span for the right hand, which considerably narrowed the possibilities. On some basses and tenors, I couldn’t completely cover the ring-finger hole when attempting to play the low F/C.

My completely anecdotal experience from the recorder consorts that I play in is that most musicians have either Mollenauer Denner or Moeck Rottenburgh sopranos and altos but Mollenauer or Kung tenors and Mollenhauer basses. But I never asked why. A friend who plays a Moeck tenor is wanting to switch to a Mollenhauer tenor.

Again, best of luck in your search! I hope you are happy with whatever you end up with. The difference may end up being a matter of degrees, since they’re all good instruments.