Reply To: New member saying hi


Hello Linden! I popped into GP recently just for something very basic and got pounced on for Covid booster, flu jab and pneumonia jab. I really didn’t fancy 3 at once as I was about to go on a brief holiday, so let myself be persuaded into the Covid alone (my 5th, should be exceptionally immune by now) and am pledged to go back for the others. Any one can make you a bit wonky, so not surprised two did. Mind you, I’m often wonky on zero jabs.

Jacqui – thank you, I did have a nice time. I’m not familiar with the Renaissance Recorder books but I looked them up and they do seem to be completely different though with, as you say, the same editor. I wonder if they too are graded in such a way that the alto book is harder?

I love books that have CDs as I find it almost impossible to play a piece I don’t know from sheet music if it’s anything other than straightforward, which is seldom the case with renaissance/baroque music. I quite like having the backing tracks too, though some of the Anthology ones are a bit weird.