Reply To: New member saying hi


Largissimo – I felt like I should know those tunes, but it turned out I didn’t. They are both really very lovely aren’t they? Are there some challenging low notes in Spagnoletta? Anyway, it does sound well-suited to tenor. All our gorgeous Renaissance music more than makes up for not having any Classical or Romantic repertoire.

I don’t know why I wasted everyone’s time asking for grade 2 repertoire suggestions. It turns out I have the music for at least 15 treble pieces (and 10 descant which I would have the option to play too), so definitely have ENOUGH. Still hankering after one or two particular pieces, especially Boats on a Painted Sea by Donald Bousted. The ‘free choice’ option for MTB exams is perhaps not an unalloyed good. Too much choice! But anyway, that’s a long way off in the future, as I make my way slowly up to exam standard on treble via the scenic route. AKA playing lots of easy stuff I fancy first and filling in the gaps in my abilities. I realised that my four descant exam pieces didn’t have a single slur in them. It wasn’t by design, but I’m actually not that good at them. So, I have a place to start.

I love that everyone has such different tastes in their music choices.