Reply To: Triebert recorders?


I almost have the urge to just pay the shipping (which the site alleges will be less than US$13, which means the whole thing wouldn’t cost too much more than $30), just to try it. Not that I need another… but I suppose I’m always looking for my “Goldilocks” instrument, lol. I’m just not too sure about shipping something internationally right now…

I had found one on (US) Amazon as an alleged “promotion” item for around $20 I think, but I’m always wary about stuff on Amazon being fakes. And an eBay seller in the US allegedly selling a bunch used, but that sounds somewhat fishy as well. Probably better to buy straight from EMS.

I got my Aulos tenor from Amazon, it was fine, and at a reduced price. I also got a Kalimba from there, a surprise from my other half, and it is surprisingly good!

You don't stop playing when you get old. You get old when you stop playing.