sub contra bass

Recorder Forum Home Page Forum Consort Playing sub contra bass

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    Margaret Wright OAM

    Have you a sub contra bass in your consort or orchestra?
    I suspect there are very few around!


    My group is far too small for such a grand instrument

    Mostly alto, plays with Balmain Baroque

    Caroline Webb

    Our group (Newcastle Recorder Players) has a contrabass and sometimes a great bass, but not a sub-contra. I don’t even think there were any at the Orpheus Recorder Boutique this year.


    I recently went on a spending spree at the Early Music Shop in London and bought sopraninos to contrabasses but stopped there. there are three sub contrabasses listed on their catalogue


    Lucky you! Now you just need a case to carry them all.

    Mostly alto, plays with Balmain Baroque

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