Moeck or Mollenhauer?

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  • #1199
    Jonathan Dodd

    Typo in the above (can’t work out how to edit): the bad intonation was top A flat, not E flat.

    Ken In Dallas

    What a great description of how the instrument came across to you. Thank you. That really helps. My Mollenhauer Alto is very ‘even’ with just a smooth scale of notes top to bottom. I don’t know how much the curved windway contributes; but when I play spirited O’Carolan tunes, it easily deliveres every nuance, accent, and dynamic I ask for. I love it and therefore was leaning towards a Mollenhauer Tenor as well. My current Tenor is very old and has a straight windway. I’m not at all disappointed with its expressiveness so much as its playing difficulty is wiping me out now that I’ve aged to be called ‘Ancient.’ It’s a large and heavy keyed Tenor that slows me down and tires me as well.

    Am I right then that your Cherry Kung Tenor has a straight windway? (When you used the word “Modern,” I was kind of thinking that curved windways were ‘modern.’) And that you find no deficit in a straight windway?

    The ‘blurb’ at Antique Sound Workshop (I think) implies that the Huber is also a top keyless Tenor contender. I’ve never seen one. The way the writer at Antique Sound uses words communicates well to me. You didn’t happen to try a Huber in your search, did you?

    Hey, if I ask for too much of your time, let me know. I just really appreciate how you approached your search and wrote about it just now.

    By the way, as to correcting/editing posts to this forum, you get one chance when you first post/submit things. In the shaded field just above your submitted post (where it says “Quote” and “Reply,”) the word “Edit” appears just that one first time to click on if you want to change anything. Also, after you type your changes, it asks down below what the reason for the changes were and if you wish to log your changes. I don’t log them, but I let the webmaster know if it was typos or clarity or whatever.

    Thanks again,

    — Ken —

    Luca Luigi Aschieri

    Replaing to Ken and Jonathan:
    When I bought my Kung studio tenor I was to Resonanzen Early Music Festival in Wien. I tried a lot of different recorders and tenor recorders from artigianal and “industrial” makers and I was looking for a loud tenor easy to play also in irish music.
    Kung studio tenor was best choice because very loud, in comparison with others, very easy to play and also quite cheap.
    I tried different woods of Kung studio tenor but there was no big difference (as new instrument) and all recorders were quite windy in the sound. The least windy was the one I bought. Cherry tree wood was not good in that case and also maple. But also an other pear wood was more windy.
    It depends more on the single instrument than the wood.
    The problem is also that industrial instruments are “new”, not oiled and my impression is that sound can change a lot with oiling and plaing for some weeks.
    For exsample I tried different woods of new Moeck and Mollenhauer sopranos and the difference seems really difficult to notice. My one seem a lot better but it is not new.
    Artigianal recorders usually are better but in my opinion only with Ganassi you need handicraft production.

    Ken In Dallas

    Luca, Thank you. Good information and every bit of information helps. — k

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